Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Where have I been…

Not posting on here, that is obvious.  Thanksgiving has come and gone and it is almost Christmas.  The time has flown by.

In the interim I have survived a tornado which caused much devastation here in the northern part of Pekin.  Two tornadoes actually touched down here on November 17, 2013.  Twenty one tornadoes touched down in Illinois on that date.  The one that caused the most destruction was in Washington IL which is about 20 miles from me. 

I can still stand and look out my living room window and see houses with no roofs.  It was a living nightmare for me and all that happened to me was I had my kitchen window blown out. I am still after almost a month finding shards of glass in the kitchen and living room.  My window is still boarded up inside and out and I am beginning to wonder if It will be that way until Spring.  I pay an enormous rent and I would love to be able to look out my kitchen window again.

Then to make matters worse I picked up a bug at Thanksgiving and it is just now beginning to let go of me.  But I know that I was very fortunate!!  I didn’t lose my home as so many others did.  I thank God for that.

Have a truly blessed Christmas.  Stay safe and be happy!!



  1. Yes, Beth, you are lucky to have your house and home. But your homeowner's association should have gotten that window fixed by now. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. Hope you can enjoy the rest of the Christmas season in good health and happiness. I have been writing my stories on Face Book mostly for this past year because I have a bigger following there. Lots of nice comments and requests that I continue. I wish I could do it on the blog but when I do I think a lot don't take the time to go there. So I copy them to Word so there will be easy access to them in the future. Wishing you happiness. Bertie

  2. Sis..you are a survivor for sure.. I am constantly amazed at your strength.. I hope things get better there soon. Glad you are okay.

  3. You've really had a run of it and I pray it's over for you. A nice quiet but fun 2014 for you.

  4. Always good to hear that things are going better for you---especially after the storm. It's never a bad time to be thankful for what you have and that you are in control of YOU. Enjoy the holidays and stay away from those nasty flu bugs!

  5. I commented on your other blog but I just want to say again how I'm believing God for you my friend. Grace to you.

  6. Wow. Sounds very busy and chaotic. I hope you holidays are all calm and blessed.

  7. I do so hope you have a wonderful New Year Beth. Hope that bug goes and doesn't return. x


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